Wednesday, March 11, 2009


oh trust me, i did try blogging. But either the mojo evaporates the moment i make contact with the keyboard.. or.. Facebook gets the better of me. =D

Ok well, waddya miss?

1. Chinese New Year (pics are in Blogger but uncaptioned and probably too old to be legally posted up)

2. Manda's return home from National Service Phase One (she's already back for good so whats the point)

3. Valentine's Day (well spent at home, thank you very much)

4. My 1st driving experience (i passed the test already! Watch out yall, one mean driver comin' right up)

...and the rest is history. I missed Sports Day, in which the Grey Lady removed tarik tali, the long runs, and the high jumps due to a case of it being too ungirly?? Still the same ol' Grey Lady that i remember..

SPM results out tomorrow. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. I have this somewhat jittery feeling about it. Hopefully i didnt screw it up THAT bad k! =) The only part that compensates how freaked out i am about it is that im going to be meeting up with the good ol people again. O yea, its gonne be one extremely emotional roller coaster ride tmr, just you see!!

Manda just got back. cant wait to meet her!! Its been MONTHS! This is the woman who i used complain about seeing her 6 days a week every week. Now.. haha! I take it back, manda!

Phoeb. appears to have died(well, her phone certainly has). Apparently has never heard of landlines, have you, Phoeb? Haha.

Tun. Last caught texting while learning how to drive. Typical. Dahlah cannot reach the pedals down there.. Hehe.

Renu. Has recently managed to snag a 5 year old admirer. Congrats! Haha

good luck to those bound to collect the Cert Of The Future tomorrow. And to many of those out there who are awaiting their turn in the seat next to one of the JPJ dudes. I pray you don't get one mighty PMS-ed girl stuck in a male body. They freaky, i cant tell you that.